My name is Omar awais Yusuf

My name is Omar awais Yusuf

My name is Omar awais Yusuf I am 52 years old , I was diagnosed severe ortho arthritis (Grade 4) left knee, and ortho arthritis (Grade3) right knee.arthroplasty with left knee and arthroscopic debridement with micro fractures of femoral condylar right knee was done on...
Robotic redo Surgery done by Dr Sujit Chowdhary

Robotic redo Surgery done by Dr Sujit Chowdhary

My 12 years old was diagnosed with Left pelvi-ureteric junction stenosis following pyeloplasty (PUJO) Left kidney ureter obstructed USG was done which suggested right gross hydroureteronephrosis after which a DTPA scan was done which showed Left obstructed Kidney ....